This Spring Family Session was amazing- just wait until you see this sweet family! I absolutely love being able to capture joyful photos for my clients. This session was photographed at Chace Lake Park in Birmingham, Alabama on a beautiful spring day. The temperature was just starting to warm up, and the sun was shining- perfect weather for some photos. This family is adorable and dressed perfectly for their photos.

Posed photos are 100% necessary and a part of every session, but it always seems like the candid shots end up being my favorites. I love how you can see her hair bouncing in this one!

So many fun shots from this Spring Family Session.

Updating your family photos is SO important! Kids love to see photos of themselves displayed in your home- it’s such a great confidence booster for them. Plus they change so much from year to year… it’s hard to remember all of those tiny little features 5 and 10 years down the road. I’ve never been sorry about having family photos made for my own family- if anything, I wish we had done it more often! Everyone in my family loves looking back at those memories and what they used to look like, and I bet your family will too!

I love getting individual shots of kids during a family session. It’s kinda like their shining moment to show off their fun personality! And even if they’re a little shy at first, most kids love this part of the session!

Love, Love, Love this one! The sweetest mom and daughter!

If you are looking for a photographer in Birmingham, Alabama- or surrounding areas, I would love to work with you! Please visit for more information.
For tips on what to wear for your next family photos, Click HERE
April 27, 2023
[…] To see more Spring Family Photos, Click HERE. […]