Headshot Photographer in Birmingham, Alabama


Headshot photography trends of today have moved to a cleaner, more modern professional look. Read along to learn about trends for updating your image!

Qualities for a Modern Headshot

Simple Background- light and bright solid backgrounds provide less distraction from the subject of the image. Your eye is quickly drawn to the person instead of a busy background.

Clean, bright lighting- to flatter your best features and prevent shadows.

Natural posing and expressions- I love capturing relaxed expressions and natural smiles as opposed to the stiff posed look. Of course I will instruct you on exactly what to do, but I am always aiming for natural looking photos.

Natural retouching- I want your image to look naturally beautiful without obvious editing. You should look amazing, but also like the everyday version of your self!

When to update your Headshot?

If it has been more that 2 years since your last Headshot, time for a new one!

If you are not happy with your current Headshot, get an updated one that you love. First impressions are so important, and you want to have one that you feel good about.

Completely changed your hair? Time for a new Headshot! You want your image to reflect the true you.

Starting a new job, or looking for a new job? Start fresh with an updated Headshot.

Don’t have a Headshot? Time to step up your game. It is always noticeable when someone uses an iPhone shot or a cropped family photo as their Headshot. Invest in yourself and get a professional image that showcases your best self!

Interested in booking a Headshot? Contact me for more details- I would love to work with you!

Follow me on Instagram to see more of my work.

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